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為什麼這兩個部門又彼此看不順眼? 註:最近換工作,從一家b2c的公司轉到了b2b的公司。在原來的公司裡參與到了marketing和sales,把整個conversion funnel徹底的經歷了一次,是個難得的經驗,所以想要趁記憶鮮明時把總結下來。這篇文章是為了之後的文章的起個頭,並且根據我自身的經歷以及擷取部分 ending the war between sales and marketing 一文寫成。 這段期間,尤其是在面試的時候,我一直被問到“marketing和sales的差別是什麼?“,原本以為只是個單純的面試問題,後來發現其實對方也不怎麼清楚之間的分別。忘記以前曾經在什麼個地方看到了這麼個定義: sales就是站在公司的立場把東西賣給消費者 marketing就是站在消費者的立場把東西賣給消費者 乍看之下很有意思,但是實際上這麼隱晦艱澀的定義寫出來還是讓人鴨子聽雷。如果是我,我會這麼定義這兩份工作: sales:sales就是把產品送到消費者面前,讓消費者當下有購買的機會。例如把產品陳列在家樂福、鋪貨到amazon、上架到app store,又或在momo購物台讓主持人有機會聲嘶力竭的叫賣…等。不管是什麼樣的通路,只要讓消費者能夠access並且花錢把東西帶回家,就是sales最主要的工作(當然,sales有其他衍伸職責例如pricing strategy、和marketing部門討論通路上架步調、和生產端規劃量產安排避免庫存囤積…等,就不在這次的討論範圍中了)。對於一個公司而言,sales最重要的自然就是安排銷貨的管道,儘可能的把貨銷光增加公司收入。 marketing:marketing就是持續地在消費者心目中建立價值,讓消費者認知到你的產品與眾不同,在眾多競品中願意優先甚至是花更多錢購買你的產品。最顯而易見的例子就是iphone了,賣得比所有android手機貴得多,但是很多人還是心甘情願地買單(更細部來說,marketing含括了產品定位、product marketing、pr、channel marketing…等,不過如同以上,這些也不在這篇的討論範圍裡)。對於公司而言,marketing最重要的功能就是要使消費者支付更高的溢價來購買自家的產品,讓公司有更健康的利潤持續經營。 根據個人經歷不同,其他人可能會對marketing和sales有不同的見解,不過以上是我這段時間以來對這兩份工作的最直接感受。 如無意外,一家公司一定同時擁有marksting和sales部門。兩個部門彼此之間的協作有很多種,以一個b2c的硬體銷售公司,兩個部門的運作方式大至如下(再次借用先前在 conversion funnel 提到的概念。): 具體來看,兩個部門的功能可以做如左圖的劃分:awareness、interest、preference的階段歸到marketing的範疇。原因顯而易見,因為就是一直反覆的讓消費者認識到自己的產品,並且認同品牌價值的過程。而conversion之後的retention,在b2c的領域裡牽涉到社群經營等職責,所以在這裡歸納到marketing的部分(另一方面,在b2b的領域裡,conversion過後會有密切的account management/support,具體執行起來會較偏向sales的範疇,不過這些不在這篇的討論範圍裡)。而conversion就是當下給人一個刺激讓他們真的購入產品,例如有現貨可以購買(相當於前面提到的通路鋪貨),或者是降價、促銷產生的刺激,這些都較偏向sales的範疇。 乍看之下,一般人都會錯覺的以為marketing比sales更為吃重,畢竟幾乎整個funnel裡都被歸納到marketing的領域,但是實際上sales工作並不輕鬆。除了和marketing部門之間的資訊互換之外(例如選擇適合的通路、設定合理的價格、評估適當的出貨量…等),很多時候sales其實極度吃重人脈,而拓展、經營人脈是一個極度花費時間精力的工作。除了有本事在市場需求旺盛時迅速的把貨鋪出去之外(否則非常容易錯過時機熱點會造成大量庫存),sales也得能夠和通路打好關係壓低給出去的利潤,更得在市場低迷產品開始滯銷的狀況下快速銷貨,否則大量的庫存對公司來說是個極大的負擔。 大多數的創業公司,尤其是在第一代產品時,一定會遇到量產延遲的狀況,通常一延誤就是以季甚至是以半年為單位,造成需求旺盛時出貨不足、需求疲乏時庫存過多。庫存過多時,sales就必須用到自己的人脈,在“非正式”管道批量銷貨。所謂非正式管道就是在不影響市場價格的情況下,能夠大量出貨的管道。什麼意思?試想你和十個通路商合作,各個通路一定都會在零售價以及供貨價上追求最優惠價格(畢竟價格有競爭力,貨才銷得動),要是其中一個渠道賣得價格特別低,其他渠道也會殺過來要求比照辦理。通常和數個通路合作的公司在市場上價格掌控上非常不容易,如果統一所有渠道一起降價,也容易送給市場一個錯誤訊息:這個產品已經不值得以前的價格,品牌已經不值錢了。 在產品已經不受到市場青睞、庫存過多的情況下,sales就必須要有各式各樣管道消化,例如有個內線在某大公司願意一次性批量購買產品當作尾牙禮品,或者是 當作推銷自家產品時的附加贈品 ,又或者在不同的二線渠道在不被市場發覺的情況下迅速清光庫存。好的sales一直都會有這些熟門熟路的管道,而這些管道可不是在電腦前敲敲打打就有,而是日復一日、天南地北的到處串門子換來。而一般換了產業後,許多人脈會變得沒有價值,所以一般來說從事sales的人會儘可能的待在相近領域的產業,因為人脈會是一個最最重要的資產。 sales和marketing部門平常是很容易打架的,最常見的是marketing推出新產品時,sales端的鋪貨還未來得及跟上造成市場上的熱度空轉,這種狀況常見於彼此協作不順的環境裡。在創業環境裡也會有另外一種的衝突:公司剛成立時,sales和marketing部門都是以賣出產品為目標,所以marketing 部門會配合著sales部門去做宣傳、製作銷售材料、協助尋找客源等,兩部門你泥中有我我泥中有你彼此融合。之後公司穩定了,高層會開始注重品牌、社群經營、產品形象包裝等“長遠”、“提高自身價值”的任務。marketing部門的目標”提高了一個檔次“,但sales目標依舊還是以銷貨為主,衝突就自然容易發生。 另外,考核標準的不同也是造成衝突的原因之一。對於marketing部門,保持健康的margin是最重要的一個指標(畢竟已經向消費者灌輸了額外的價值,使消費者願意支付高額的溢價購買自身產品),所以marketing部門不會輕易的同意下調價格;但是對於sales而言,低價會更有效地去推動銷售達到自己的kpi,所以對於沒有降價的彈性空間會非常反彈。結果就是marketing部門常覺得sales部門銷售不力,沒有本事按照零售價去賣給市場,又花太多時間在建立少數渠道,寶貴時間浪費鋪貨跟不上市場熱度;而sales部門會抱怨行銷部門想法飄渺又不食人間煙火,只會重複目標鎖定客群等屁話(什麼叫做鎖定25~35歲有兩個幼齡孩童的年輕媽媽?能吃嗎?),並且看不慣marketing部門花錢如流水卻又沒有一個具體的考核。 例如一個能量補給棒,marketing部門想到的是針對20~30歲的年輕通勤上班族,所以會針對他們去做宣傳片推廣、想包裝、想標語,並且在推廣產品時並不講求立即的轉化;相反的,sales部門必須透過7–11、全家、甚至是連鎖健身房去接觸到這些族群,但是有時上架過程就會耗時數個月,並且還有許多眉角讓推展不順,衝突就會產生了。 講得比較戲謔點,marketing就像個冰冰冷冷高知識份子,有著強大的分析能力,數據導向,並且project by project的模式在過日子。同時marketing著眼於未來,因為他們最重要的任務就是持續的為公司建立往後的競爭優勢;而sales人員就像個熱情爆發的獅子座,他們的戰場不在電腦前,且習慣於被拒絕或冷眼對待,只重視當下這個產品是否會讓消費者立即願意掏錢買單,只關心眼前這單生意能否成交。 結語:這篇文章的目的主要是為了之後的文章鋪路。下一篇文章裡,我會把先前在前一家公司從產品發佈到上架流程做個總結。頭緒還有點亂,就看到時候會寫出什麼東西來。 題外話:我也被問到過bd(busiensss development)是什麼。如果是我,我會這麼定義:bd是一個和合作夥伴談判、協商、角力的而達到特定目的的“過程”。目的五花八門,例如將自身產品上架到一個通路渠道(sales導向)、和b公司一起進行產品發布(pr導向)、共同出資出人研發某個技術(工程導向)…等。現實生活裡,大多數bd的結果都是以sales導向,所以很多人雖然掛著bd的title,但是做的事情其實跟sales manager無異。相較於sales和marketing,bd比較沒有辦法獨立出來,必須要依附在某個目的下才會有意義,對於剛出社會的新鮮人,我個人並不太建議把自己定位成bd的專才。相反的,應該把自己是打造成“我幹sales/marketing/product management,但是現在做的工作含有bd性質,我在尋找適當的銷售夥伴/品牌曝光機會/研發資源共享”,才會對自己的職涯成長有更明確的認識及幫助。 ----2. media

Saldrá de o*net online para visitar nuestro sitio afiliado mi próximo paso. Puede regresar usando el botón atrás en su navegador, o eligiendo “o*net online” en el menú sitios o*net en la parte inferior de cualquier página en mi próximo paso. Contents 5 ofall 20 displayed (show allshow top 5) identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment objectives, market characteristics, and cost and markup factors. Related occupations formulate, direct, or coordinate marketing activities or policies to promote products or services, working with advertising or promotion managers. Related occupations evaluate the financial aspects of product development, such as budgets, expenditures, research and development appropriations, or return-on-investment and profit-loss projections.

A marketing plan is a document that lays out the marketing efforts of a business in an upcoming period, which is usually a year. It outlines the marketing strategy, promotional, and advertising activities planned for the period. Elements of a.

The final p of the marketing mix is people. Develop the habit of thinking in terms of the people inside and outside of your business who are responsible for every element of your sales, marketing strategies , and activities. It's amazing how many entrepreneurs and businesspeople will work extremely hard to think through every element of the marketing strategy and the marketing mix, and then pay little attention to the fact that every single decision and policy has to be carried out by a specific person, in a specific way. Your ability to select, recruit, hire and retain the proper people, with the skills and abilities to do the job you need to have done, is more important than everything else put together.

marketing noun [U] ( JOB )

As the name implies the idea of selling concept is to sell the company’s product through large scale marketing and promotional activities, it doesn’t whether they fulfill customers’ needs or not. Focus of the management in this approach is to complete the transaction of sale; they think that their job is done once they sell their product. Instead of building and maintaining a long terms relationship with the customer, so the customer would come back again. Concept is a very risky strategy because it’s based on a very weak notion that the company should sell whatever they’re producing, instead of meeting customer’s demands. This strategy, marketers think that if customers don’t like the company’s.

The company will increase its budget for marketing. She has a job in marketing. She runs the company's marketing department. Recent examples on the web cyber monday is 14 days long, ending on nov. 30, which is the longest in the company’s history, according to kara wallace, chief marketing officer at royal caribbean international. Jacob passy, wsj, 29 nov. 2022 leslie berland, twitter’s chief marketing officer, encouraged employees to say hi to mr. Musk and escorted him through the office. Tiffany hsu, new york times, 11 nov. 2022 michelle crossan-matos, the chief marketing officer of samsung electronics america, told fortune that the company created its decentraland space to help connect with people around the world, especially younger customers.

Santa claus is not the only one making a list and checking it twice. Many people love a step-by-step guide to performing a task or solving a problem. By dividing tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, checklists can make even the most complex jobs less daunting. And from a marketing perspective, they’re a great way to generate leads. Audiences use them as a simple, easy, and free way to make sure all the right steps are being followed. They create ownership, establish expectations, and set deadlines, all of which contribute to productivity. In addition to creating a useful tool for customers, checklists also let your targets know you understand what they’re facing.

marketing noun [U] ( SHOPPING )

Identifying threats is an important part of marketing. Often your biggest threats are competitors. Find out your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to compete effectively. You could create a special deal or make a special offer to compete. Or you could identify their strengths and make sure you improve in those areas, to close the gap between you. You could research your competitors online, or through mystery shopping. (mystery shopping is when you get someone else to shop with competitors to find out more about them. They look for detail on things like products, pricing, deals and customer service). Swot stands for “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats”.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

Cornell university online marketing certificates cornell offers seven online programs in brand management, corporate communication, digital marketing, digital photography, integrated marketing, marketing analytics, and marketing strategy. Courses are designed for a broad audience — everyone from marketing managers and public relations professionals to entrepreneurs can benefit. Find out more here. Google ads certification becoming certified in google ads means that you have mastered google’s online advertising platform. There are multiple certifications available, including search, display, and video. Depending on which certification you pursue, you may learn how to build and optimize campaigns or use youtube to reach your audience and boost conversions.

A marketing plan is a roadmap for executing your marketing strategy over a given period of time, usually a year. You can create a marketing plan using our simple one-page template.

A marketing strategy is a long-term plan for achieving a company's goals by understanding the needs of customers and creating a distinct and sustainable competitive advantage. It encompasses everything from determining who your customers are to deciding what channels you use to reach those customers. With a marketing strategy, you can define how your company positions itself in the marketplace, the types of products you produce, the strategic partners you make, and the type of advertising and promotion you undertake. Having a marketing plan is essential to the success of any business. Read on to learn how to create a successful marketing strategy for your company.

The marketing concept can be of great help to you if you are planning to get into a business. This will teach you how to formulate your product offerings and create value propositions based on consumer preferences. From there, you can craft an overall marketing strategy that incorporates both the internal and external factors of your business. By understanding each component of your strategy, it would be easier for you to manage all aspects of your business more effectively. Knowing how it all works together is crucial when trying to develop new products or enhance current offerings based on new insights about consumers’ needs and wants.



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