Oracle Infinity Behavioral Intelligence
Optimize your customer’s real-time journey. Oracle infinity behavioral intelligence brings in online behavioral data, applies intelligence to that data, and dynamically recommends actions to personalize and enhance the
customer experience —at the exact right moment.
See what’s new in Oracle Marketing
The campaign “resulted in over 350k new le
for oracle and a projected $28 million revenue pipeline,” recalls jim pendergast from altline sobanco. Pendergast elaborates on what made it so effective. “oracle worked with b2b marketing giant moi global to put together a multi-channel lead-gen campaign that worked well on two fronts:
“first, it offered not one but two gated, incredibly in-depth reports on the disconnect between banks and the modern-day customer. Even better, the reports came with a benchmarking survey for audiences to temperature-check their own banking processes and see how well they were meeting today’s digital-first consumer needs.
Resources to help you get started
Since we’re talking about seo, in 2018, google heavily penalized several websites offering health and medical advice. Google wanted to provide not only relevant content but also accurate content. The search engine started featuring websites that showed high levels of eat (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) in their niche. Google has guidelines for creating eat content , but b2b brands can begin by creating helpful content and guest blog ging on trusted resources to build authority.
How can we help you?
Keep a finger on the pulse of b2c industry trends. If your target audience is retail, have sales started to plummet? if your focus is higher education, have admissions decreased? also, keep in mind some industries tend to fluctuate less, such as healthcare, which isn’t always going to offer up straightforward indicators.
B2b marketing isn’t new, but the challenges marketers are facing today are making it more and more difficult to get results. Why is it getting more difficult? before we dive in—let’s answer question #1:.
"b2b marketing doesn't have to be boring!" it's the industry's go-to cliche. Here at foleon, we take issue with a few of the assumptions underpinning this all-too-common catchphrase. First, it suggests that our industry is boring by default. Here's a wake-up call for you; it's not 2012 anymore. The business landscape today is filled with passionate, engaged people looking to make a meaningful impact on the world . They care deeply about what they do and how they do it. And they're ultra-geeks when it comes to the tools and services they use to get the job done. Didn't anyone tell you? nerdy is the new cool.
Slack, recently in the news for their huge salesforce buy out, relies on a solid combination of word-of-mouth referrals, free trials, and social selling. These strategies have afforded them tremendous organic brand traction — 8,000 people signed up on the first day , and that number doubled two weeks later. They now have 4+ million daily active users. What b2b marketing strategies does your team use? are there any new ones you can implement after reading this article? remember to encourage collaboration between marketing and sales as often as possible for the highest-converting b2b marketing campaigns. Get sales tips and strategies delivered straight to your inbox.
Reality #2: b2b researchers who are not in the c-suite influence purchase decisions b2b marketing strategies typically focus exclusively on the c-suite or other senior-level executives. Those strategies won't be nearly as effective today as they were just two years ago. Why? the ecosystem of influencers around the b2b research process has change d – dramatically. While 64% of the c-suite have final sign off, so do almost a quarter (24%) of the non-c-suite. What's more, it's the latter that has the most influence; 81% of non-c-suiters have a say in purchase decisions. Clearly, if you're marketing only to the highest level, you're overlooking the people who need to notice you.
Sales and marketing alignment
As you can understand, the types of b2b marketing strategies you can implement to grow your business are endless. And it's not just about content marketing and paid advertising. Similar to email marketing, social media is an extremely effective channel for sharing your content. Best of all, it's ideal if you want to enhance your brand expertise. And as we all know, showcasing expertise is something that b2b customers appreciate. So, you must take every opportunity you're given to let the world know about what you have to offer and how you can solve their pain points. Apart from the central issue of measuring the roi of your marketing activities, there are some other challenges.
Based in calgary, canada, smart technologies is a provider of hardware and software solutions to educators around the world. Eighteen months ago, as the world headed into a global pandemic, commercial leaders hunkered down to weather the storm. Led by jenna pipchuk, head of sales, and jeff lowe, head of marketing, the team at smart, however, opted for a completely different tack. Having observed the same shifts in their own b2b buyers, jeff and jenna were acutely aware of the growing misalignment between how they were selling and how their customers were buying. The result was not only missed opportunities to drive engagement and growth with both existing and prospective customers, but also costly and inefficient duplicative efforts around messaging, analytics, and even technology housed in traditional silos that no longer made logical sense.
Account-based marketing (abm) is a popular strategy that has emerged in recent years. The marketing strategy focuses on targeting specific accounts as opposed to individual leads. For most businesses, executing abm strategies leave a lot to be desired. If done correctly, abm is effective and helps marketers generate sales engagement with key accounts. What’s often lacking is the depth and quality of such initiatives. Abm is a time-intensive activity that can include social listening, lead intelligence, personalization, sales alignment, and more. Most marketing teams do one or more of the above, but very few do every single element. Not every marketing organization is mature enough for abm.
What are the world’s best b2b content marketing teams doing that other companies aren’t? what makes content marketing truly advanced is the ability to target potential customers directly, generate leads in a cost-effective way, and maximize the reach and revenue-generating capabilities of each piece of content. Advanced and effective content marketing looks like this: complete alignment between the target customer and the actual target audience of the content involvement in content from senior leaders, product team, and sales team as needed to provide strategic guidance and subject matter expertise feedback loop from customers and target audience in terms of content engagement measurement, comments, surveys, and focus groups.